Many people drive simply to get where they are going. You likely drive to and from work, school, the grocery store or anywhere else you...
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Truck Accidents
I was hit by driver who crossed double white lines. Can I sue?
On Behalf of Woods Williford, P.C. | Dec 2, 2021 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents
Starting in about 2016, California drivers began to notice a color change on highway markings. The solid double lines that separated...
Lawsuit: Fiery truck accident kills van full of children
On Behalf of Woods Williford, P.C. | Aug 16, 2021 | Truck Accidents
Because truck drivers are operating the largest and heaviest vehicles on the road, they have an even greater responsibility than other...
Truck accidents: often catastrophic, owing to multiple sources
On Behalf of Woods Williford, P.C. | Aug 3, 2021 | Truck Accidents
A proven personal injury legal source conveys in a recent blog post what is a virtual truism regarding safety issues linked with...
I’m a victim of negligence. What kinds of recoveries could I win?
by Woods Williford, P.C. | Jul 30, 2021 | Pedestrian Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents
Maybe a distracted driver hit you while you were walking in a crosswalk. Or maybe you slipped on an unsafe spill in a grocery store and...
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